In recent weeks we have installed 220 solar panels with a power of 120,000 watts at our plant in La Tala, dedicated to the preparation of Codex Sierra Fresh Meats.
At Sierra de Codex our commitment to the environment goes beyond conserving thousands of hectares of pastures, with the consequent benefit in terms of capturing and reducing CO2 in the atmosphere. Our ultimate goal is to bring all our activity to 0 emissions, making it completely sustainable..
Precisely our factory in La Tala, due to the need to maintain cold chambers for the conservation of the fresh product and freezing chambers, has a high electricity consumption. For this reason, to reduce the emissions caused by this consumption and to ensure that the majority of the electricity we use is generated in a sustainable way, we have installed these 150 m2 of solar panels on the roofs of our facilities, capable of generating more than 50% without emissions. of the electricity we consume.

Our photovoltaic installation represents an annual saving of about 140 MW/H of energy, which, generated in a sustainable way, saves the CO2 that approximately 140 trees capture annually. This is how we walk towards our goal for the future: 0 emissions.
And we should not wait any longer. We must each act to the best of our ability to conserve and protect the environment. It is a task of all.