For more than one hundred years our family has been laboring away, feeling the pulsating beat of the meadowlands in each and every one of our estates. During the last thirty years we have been particularly dedicated to the breeding and handling of the Acorn Fed Ibérico Pig. And, of course, to the production and commercialization of both fresh Ibérico Pork, as well as its resulting cured products. Already we can count with three generations that have been up keeping the age-old tradition that has given our lands its international fame.

All Ibérico Flavour

Cien por Cien PATA NEGRA S.L. guaranteed
Sierra de Codex, main brand corresponding to Cien Por Cien PATA NEGRA S.L., enjoys the privilege of counting with the most modern of facilities for both production and handling and for the curing of the products resulting from the Ibérico pig. This covers both the acorn fed Ibérico pig, raised within our own estates, as well as Cebo Ibérico (grain fed), likewise raised within farms where we can assure that the very high standards of animal welfare are duly complied with.

Discover the very best fresh
Ibérico pork cuts